Securely Packaged and Delivered from the Artist’s Hands to Your Doorstep.

About Us

ndia has a very rich and diversified culture. Every state in India shows a different culture in terms of language, food, clothes, and of course their arts. Analysing the arts, we clearly observe that even though the fundamentals are same, details are very different. That's the principal identify of each and every states and their arts.

We, ZineArt, as a community trying to emphasize on the details of the art from each places detailing as much as possible about the art and the artists. We are establishing a direct connection between the artists and aesthetes like you, so that they can buy those arts by paying them directly. Because we believe the biggest appreciation an artist can get is getting proper value of his creation, which is not the case in most of Indias rural areas.

What is Zineart?

A strong community

We, at Zineart, are making an effort to bring all small scale artists together to build a strong community for those who love arts and crafts. We are establishing a direct link between artists and customers so that all connoisseurs of art from all walks of life can join our little community to support artists. People who love to decorate their homes or their work spaces with a slice of art and culture or those who appreciate the true essence of a handicrafted piece of art can extend their hand to make our community stronger.

If you have that rare eye of an art appreciator or are keen to join us in our endeavour, don't forget to follow our social media pages and join the discussion in our Facebook group.

Support Independent Artists

Our motto: To bring the spotlight on the real heroes - the Artists.

From our extensive research and market surveys, we have come across the shocking revelation that despite art and handicraft pieces sold at rather high prices in urban markets, the original art-pieces are often sold at contrasting low prices by the artists themselves. The middle market sellers and shops make a handsome profit at the expense of underpaid artists and craftsmen.

Dear fellow art-lovers, if you really want to support our heroes- the local artists and craftsmen, you can do so by helping them get their due respect and their art pieces their deserved price. Don't let the real heroes lose out on their deserved share by paying 2× the original price to urban retailers.

It is Zineart's humble attempt to guide the buyers directly to the artists via our channel.